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Overall, your visit to our web site should be considered as a visit to a physical store with the added benefit of being able to try the products before purchasing. As with a real-world store:

  • You can view the products and all their features anonymously: We don't use cookies in our web site so our only reference from our visitors is an IP address such as "" which we cannot use to trace you any more than what a storekeeper can trace you by your face.
  • You may ask as many questions as you wish prior to purchasing: In this case, you may use any email address you wish or call us and still remain anonymous.
  • Once you purchase a product, we DO ask you basic contact information such as an email address and a phone number for the purpose of product support. Given that the reliability of email has fallen with the use of spam filters, we are requesting a phone number to make sure that the proper support is given. Although you have a right to provide false information, the quality of the support may be affected.

We currently promote our products based on their benefits and provide potential customers the possibility of testing them prior to purchasing. We currently do not provide a list of clients in our web site. If we were to change our policy and mention our clients, written permission would be requested from each one of them.

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