Quick Pallet Maker


QPM Version: 4 and above

This quick example explains how to fill standard cases (i.e. that are listed in the Standard Cases and Pallets window) with rectangular primary packages. Since we will be working with English units, the first step is to change them if this hadn't been done. Example 01
The next step is to open a new document window starting from primary package and entering the dimensions of the packages. We also select the pallet type and specify that we will be filling standard cases with packages. Example 01
After selecting "Recalculate" (and waiting a while) we will obtain a list of boxes that have been filled with packages and the pallets that have been created from those boxes. Example 01
If we scan through the different options, we can notice that there are some pallets in which the amount of boxes is limited by the maximum allowable pallet load weight. Example 01