Vehicle Space Optimizer

Vehicle Space Optimizer (VSO) Examples

This page contains a list of examples on how to use the Vehicle Space Optimizer (VSO), starting from the product and truck configuration up to load calculation. All the examples were made using VSO v4.3 r2018.

Installing Vehicle Space Optimizer

This example explains how to download and install the Vehicle Space Optimizer client application to connect to a server. The procedure is similar in both Windows and macOS.

How to Install VSO

Product Classes

In this exercise we will explain the ways in which products can be grouped into classes and how these are created and their properties established. Classes are key in defining cargo placement rules.

Product Classes

Create SKUs

The VSO server database allows users to save lists of products as boxes to be later shipped in trucks. This example explains how this is done.

Create SKUs

Pallets in Database

This example explains how to create and edit the physical pallets in VSO that will be later used for filling trucks.

Pallets in Database

Creating Standard Pallets

Standard pallets are arrangements of single-SKU boxes on pallets. They are important because they are moved directly from the warehouse to the truck without going through the picking stage. Maximizing them saves time. This example shows how they are created in VSO. To complete this example is necessary previous definition of Bays and SKUs.

Standard Pallets

Creating Vertical Load Trucks

In this example we explain you how to create and edit Vertical Load Trucks in the VSO database.

Vertical Load Truck

Creating Horizontal Load Trucks

In this example we explain you how to create and edit Horizontal Load Trucks in the VSO database.

Horizontal Load Truck

Creating Mixed Load Trucks / Containers

In this example we explain you how to create and edit Mixed Load Trucks or Containers in the VSO database.

Mixed Load Truck

Loading Truck Fill Data

In this example we explain how to load the truck with the data from routes.

Loading Truck Fill Data

Automatic Calculation of Trucks in a List

In this example we explain how to calculate trucks load.
Automatic Calculation of Trucks in a List

Editing the full Truck Contents

In this example we explain how to edit truck contents.
Editing the full Truck Contents


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